Elusive landscapes series

This series is inspired by winter colors and peaceful and mysterious atmosphere in the mountains. When I painted it I didn’t use photos or sketches as a reference. My work was intuitive, guided by sensations and memories from my walks in the hills near my house and frequent trips to the nearby mountains. I really […]

Insight series

“Insight” is my first series of abstract landscapes. After so many years of painting realistic oil paintings this time, instead of focusing on realistic representation and details, I mostly paid attention to the colors and the texture of the surface. For paint I used acrylics and handmade colors with earth pigments. Insight series Various sizes, […]

Group show “Art(è) Donna” 17.11-9.12.2018 San Vendemiano, Italy

“The exhibition made on the occasion of the important ‘ Run in pink’ event aims to be a meeting of varied female talents. On stage artists of different backgrounds and training to tell at best, through plastic and pictorial expression, the complexity of our present and thus offer ideas of investigation to read and interpret […]

“Città sospese” di Lorena Gava

Città sospese L’amore per la storia dell’arte serpeggia in tutta l’opera di Ewa Ceborska. Gli studi compiuti all’Università Nicolò Copernico di Torun in Polonia e l’esperienza come restauratrice di opere pittoriche e scultoree sono rintracciabili nel suo modo colto, autentico e personale di fare pittura. Attratta dallo studio di figura, dopo un lungo esercizio condotto […]